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Videos, DVDs, and Audio Presentations
William Carroll: Alternative Policy Groups and Global Civil society - Networks and Discourses of Counter-Hegemony Presented at the GSA Conference, University of Victoria, May 6, 2012
The Calumet Roundtable: A Discussion with Jerry Harris On this episode of "The Calumet Roundtable," host Dr. Lee Artz, Professor of Communication at Purdue University Calumet, and guest Dr. Jerry Harris, National Secretary of the Global Studies Association, discuss the idea of green capitalism. The green capitalism movement focuses on using the economic market to fix, or mediate, environmental problems such as global warming and dwindling natural resources. Harris argues that sustainable technologies could be a way to rejuvenate the economy. Artz and Harris also talk about the expansionary and recessionary cycles of capitalism and the problems green capitalism faces in each cycle. Lastly, they discuss questions of legitimacy: how green capitalism could help governments regain the trust of the public.
Jerry Harris: Dystopia and Democracy - Power and the Transnational Capitalist Class Presented at the GSA Conference, University of Victoria, May 6, 2012
3 Reasons Why Government Shouldn’t Be Run Like a Business A video offered by Minute MBA to learn about key concepts of business.
Jerry Harris, Open University of the Left, 11-19-2011, Chicago, IL The Relationship between Nation-States and Democracy
Jerry Harris: Globalization of Capitalism Jerry Harris, Devry University professor and author of The Dialectics of Globalization, Political and Economic Conflict in a Transnational World, explains the growing globalization of transnational capitalism replacing national sovereignty. Presented on November 14, 2008 at the Brecht Forum in New York.
Paul Kennedy: Vampire Capitalism - Fractured Societies and Alternative Futures This short film is presented by writer and political economist, Dr. Paul Kennedy, who introduces and explores the key themes of his book, Vampire Capitalism. The book is published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Truthout Interviews Featuring William I. Robinson Ted Asregadoo speaks with U.C. Santa Barbara sociology professor, William I. Robinson, about the crisis of global capitalism and social democratic ways to address the financial, ecological, and social crises wrought by this system.
Anwar Shaikh: Our Sin of Our Era - the Massive Misery of People at Bottom of Pyramid Anwar Shaikh, professor at the New School for Social Research, says that the big economic challenge of our era is not the environment, but the poverty of the huge number of people who live at the bottom of our social ladders. Interviewed by Daniel Erasmus at King's College, April 2010.
Richard Wolff: Capitalism Hits the Fan, Brown University Economist, author, Professor emeritus University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Richard Wolff, speaks about the current economic crises, its roots and what we can do about it. Filmed by Paul Hubbard at Brown University, Providence RI on 12-2-09.
Capitalism Hits the Fan Richard Wolff on the Economic Meltdown
With breathtaking clarity, renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Richard Wolff breaks down the root causes of today's economic crisis, showing how it was decades in the making and in fact reflects seismic failures within the structures of American-style capitalism itself. Wolff traces the source of the economic crisis to the 1970s, when wages began to stagnate and American workers were forced into a dysfunctional spiral of borrowing and debt that ultimately exploded in the mortgage meltdown.
Read more and order a copy today!
Made in L.A.
Made in L.A. traces the moving transformation of three Latina garment workers on the fault lines of global economic change who decide they must resist. Through a groundbreaking law suit and consumer boycott, they fight to establish an important legal and moral precedent holding an American retailer liable for the labor conditions under which its products are manufactured. But more than this, Made in LA provides an insider's view into both the struggles of recent immigrants and into the organizing process itself: the enthusiasm, discouragement, hard-won victories and ultimate self-empowerment.
Read more and order a copy today!
WEconomics: Italy
The first in a new series from the makers of SHIFT CHANGE, WEconomics: Italy reports on the extensive and innovative cooperative economy in the region around Bologna.
The Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy has one of the highest concentrations of cooperative businesses in the developed world. The capital, Bologna is an industrial powerhouse, where prosperity is widely shared, and cooperatives of teachers and social workers play a key role in the provision of government services. Read more and order a copy >>
William I. Robinson: Global Capitalism & 20th Century Fascism
WorldStreams Interview aired Wednesday 6.8.11 - 9:00-10:00 PM