Prof. Emeritus Melvin Rothenberg, UChicago mathematician and activist, 1934-2023
By Maureen Searcy
Aug 30, 2023
Melvin Gordon Rothenberg, a professor emeritus of mathematics who spent more than four decades making groundbreaking mathematical discoveries at the University of Chicago as well as teaching hundreds of students and contributing to social justice causes, died Aug. 1, 2023 at the age of 89.
Rothenberg made multiple contributions in the mathematical fields of algebraic and geometric topology that form the foundation of work still ongoing today.
He was also beloved by students and young faculty and "will be remembered by those who knew him for his human qualities even more than by his theorems," says Shmuel Weinberger, the Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor of Mathematics at UChicago, who was recruited by Rothenberg 40 years ago.
Math and humanity
Born in Boston in 1934, Rothenberg was raised in Cleveland, where he met Marcia Cherko, who would become his wife of over 70 years, while working on their high school newspaper. He studied philosophy and mathematics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and was recruited by the University of California, Berkeley for his master's and doctorate degrees. There he studied under P. Emery Thomas, wrote his dissertation "On the Milnor Construction of Universal Bundles," and earned his PhD in 1962. He had joined the University of Chicago as a math instructor the year prior.
Rothenberg's field was topology: the mathematical study of an object's properties that are preserved as it changes shape, such as through twisting or stretching. For example, a circle is topologically the same as an ellipse. His early work focused on algebraic topology, related to the unstable version of the J-homomorphism. With Norman Steenrod, he found a spectral sequence for the cohomology of the classifying space of an H-space.
He then moved to work in geometric topology, where his contributions were fundamental and groundbreaking. His two largest collaborations were with Dick Lashof and with Ib Madsen. With Lashof, he made important early contributions to smoothing and triangulation theory and equivariant triangulation theory. His work with Madsen showed that it was possible to understand odd order group actions by surgery theoretic means.
'Incredibly warm'
In addition to his mathematics work, Rothenberg was a beloved colleague and teacher.
"When I first arrived at UChicago as a Dickson instructor in 1994, Mel made the transition much more pleasant for me," says mathematics professor Benson Farb. "He was incredibly warm, kind, and generous with his time." He cites one of Rothenberg's students insisting on studying gauge theory, which the professor didn't know. "Mel's response was to dive in, learn it quickly, and advise the student (now a very successful mathematician) on this topic."
Rothenberg is fondly remembered as the paradigm of an absent-minded professor. "His foibles (such as his inability to spell names correctly or to keep his shirt tucked in) made him accessible despite his sharpness," says Weinberger.
Rothenberg was also committed to social justice and political activism. For decades, he and Marcia attended protests against political repression and the Vietnam War and in support of civil rights, women's liberation, and health care for all. Rothenberg was a committed Marxist and scholar of Marx and political economy. He wrote for socialist journals, including Against the Current, and could be found advocating for change through peaceful means on public access television, recalls Farb. "Mel was the kind of person that made and makes UChicago ... well, UChicago."
Rothenberg's wife Marcia June Rothenberg (nee Cherko) preceded him in death by two and a half months. He is survived by children Julia Helise Rothenberg and her husband, Geoffrey Berliner; Aaron Rothenberg; and Louise Michelle Rothenberg; and a grandchild, Theo Rothenberg Berliner.
This article contains material authored by Prof. Shmuel Weinberger. Read more about Mel Rothenberg's work.
 | LEO PANICH (1945-2020)
By Eric Canepa | 21 Dec 20
We at transform! europe, along with many around the world, were shocked to hear of the death of Leo Panitch from COVID-19 in Toronto on 19 December 2020.
Leo had recently been diagnosed with multiple myeloma—a type of cancer that affects the plasma cells located in the bone marrow. Justifiably optimistic about treatment, he had the misfortune to contract COVID in hospital, which in his weakened state proved fatal.
Since 1985, Leo co-edited the Socialist Register, the annual journal founded by Ralph Miliband and John Saville. The Register has been hugely influential among the English-speaking left throughout the world as an alternative to both centrist social democracy and sectarian radicalism. It has also had a decisive impact on the remarkable maturation process of the young left intellectuals in the US largely in and around Jacobin and DSA, dating from the time of Occupy Wall Street in 2011.
There is no doubt that Leo and the Register, both based at York University in Canada, helped make it possible for this emerging left to be both radical and at the same time connected to the mediations of real politics in the US and abroad and to a richer socialist culture. In the process, they learned, for example, from the experience of the left wing of the UK Labour Party, for whom Leo's work was a key point of reference. Above all, they have moved some distance away from the self-marginalising Puritanism that has been characteristic of so much of the US radical left over the last decades. One cannot help thinking that Leo's very embrace and enjoyment of life, his warm-hearted 'Menschlichkeit'— to borrow a word from Yiddish, a language he grew up with in the I. L. Peretz Folk School in Winnipeg—may have in some measure exerted a salutary influence in North American radical-left milieus.

TOM POLLARD July 31, 1947 - April 10, 2020 GSA/NA Executive Board Member
It is with great sadness that I report the passing, on April 10, of our esteemed friend and colleague Tom Pollard, at his home in Alameda, California. This news has come as a particularly terrible shock to me as the friendship and working partnership I had with Tom goes back nearly 34 years. Tom did not die from the coronavirus, but it seems his difficulty getting emergency care might have resulted from excessive pressures on the medical system.
For the past several years Tom has been a member of the GSA Executive Board, and we together have presented jointly at several GSA conferences, including most recently in Chicago. We had been scheduled to give talks at the now-cancelled meetings scheduled for New York City. Tom’s unique contributions, now as before, revolve around a convergence of critical social theory, political analysis, and investigations into American popular culture. Here he had few peers on the national scene, reflected not only in the great volume of his work but in its considerable depth, extending from literature to film, from television to documentaries. He was equally comfortable exploring a wide variety of movie genres, from film noir to combat pictures, horror movies, Westerns, and blockbusters, and he always brought an original eye to his typically original perspectives on popular culture.
A few years after receiving his PhD in American Studies at the University of Kansas in 1983, Tom began teaching at National University in Oakland (now San Jose), where he taught courses in anthropology, sociology, history, and film studies – one of the truly outstanding instructors who could inspire students (mostly working adults) from widely diverse backgrounds. He was equally adept teaching onsite and online. For many years he was among the leading researchers and writers at National, a model for other faculty members in the social sciences and beyond. I have been his colleague at National (Los Angeles) for more than three decades, during which time we have given scores of presentations together and written two books, along with many articles and essays. We have served on many committees together.
Whatever the task at hand, Tom has been the best colleague and collaborator one could hope for, his demeanor consistently upbeat and constructive. He will leave an enormous void in university life.
Along with his prolific writing, Tom was an outstanding documentary filmmaker, his work (often in partnership with others) having been viewed on BBC, Discovery Channel, Life Network, the Canadian Broadcasting System, and several PBS Channels. My favorite of his documentaries is Maya Pompeii, a work dealing with Mayan culture in Central America. It is this work, combined with a variety of innate talents, that endowed his writing with a particularly lively and fresh quality.
That writing included two books that Tom and I completed together: A World in Chaos: Social Crisis and the Rise of Postmodern Cinema (2003) and The Hollywood War Machine: U.S. Militarism and Popular Culture (2007). The latter volume appeared as a second edition, in 2017. Tom’s other books include: Sex and Violence: the Hollywood Censorship Wars (2010); Hollywood 9/11: Superheroes, Supervillains, and Super Disasters (2011); Loving Vampires: Our Undead Obsession (2016); and Sadomasochism, Popular Culture, and Revolt (2020). Tom’s writing could be described as critical, lucid, and compelling, rich in historical understanding. As can be seen from the book titles, he was prepared to tackle some of the most daunting topics, and he did so always with a keen eye toward difference and what he always liked to characterize as “transgression”.
The last time Tom and I presented together was in Honolulu, this past January, at the annual Hawaii Conference on Arts and Humanities, where we had organized (mostly film) panels over the past 15 years. Tom’s presentation, on the topic of surveillance in popular culture, embellished its customary critical outlook, political insights, and sense of humor. For that, as always, he will leave an irreplaceable absence in the lives of all who were fortunate enough to be part of his powerful and welcoming spirit.
Carl Boggs April 17, 2020
See a list of Tom's books here: |