the new!
is an online think tank without walls dedicated to critical debate
and analysis. We are a network of activists, organizers and intellectuals
who believe that solving our most pressing social and environmental
problems requires a revolutionary transformation on a global scale.
We believe that there can be no revolutionary movement without revolutionary
is dedicated to helping drive the theoretical discussion and to
assisting organizers in their practical work.
more on
A New Left for a Global Age
by Carl Davidson and Jerry Harris
A collection
15 essays by the authors covering a full set of new and unique theoretical
work on the crisis in socialist theory, the impact of the information
revolution, globalization, the rise of the right, and an outline
and practical examples of strategy and tactics on how to deal with
this book now from
of the Third Wave Study Group and cy.Rev cy.Rev
comes out of the 3rd Wave Study Group initiated by Carl Davidson
in 1992. Its name derives from the first book we read, The Third
Wave by Alvin Toffler. This book started us off looking at the world
with new eyes. We have been attempting to update traditional Marxist
and revolutionary thought based on the changes taking place in the
world especially those that are dependent on or a result of the
information technology explosion such as globalization and the crisis
in the labor movement, as well as issues that have never fit comfortably
into a left perspective such as environmentalism and the latest
advances in scientific thought (those that challenge classical reductionist
is a picture of our Study Group (from September 27, 1999). In the
front row (left to right) is: Rael Bassan, Tom Ard, Jerry Harris
(cy.Rev editorial board), Ivan Handler (cy.Rev editorial
board) and Gordie Schiff. In the back row is Fereidon Dadrass, Rado
Mijanovich, Carl Davidson (editor and founder of cy.Rev) and Anita
Malinski (cy.Rev production coordinator).

in the summer of 1994, the Third Wave Study Group released Issue
1 of "cyRev: A Journal of Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable
Socialism, and Radical Democracy." Six more print issues
followed, and by the winter of 2004, cyRev was totally electronic.
Here in the archive you will find all the articles from issues one
through eight, plus more recent articles and editorials on issues
such as globalization, technology and ethics, economics, labor,
and much, much more. We hope you find the articles informative,
as well as helpful in your own search for knowledge. We welcome
any feedback
you might have. |