Documents for Discussion & Downloading
Marx's Democratic Critique of Capitalism, and Its Implications for China's Developmental Strategy
Paper by David Schweickart at the Fifth Forum of
Humanities and Social Sciences of China, Renmin University, Beijing, June 18, 2005
Globalization, Theocracy & the New Fascism: Taking the Right's Rise To Power Seriously. By Carl Davidson. Analysis of conflicts among U.S. power elites , the 40-year rise of the theocratic right, and what to do about it.
Send Us Your Ideas, Articles & Comments. We'll Post The Most Relevant Critiques for Further Dialogue
The Road Ahead after 2004: Building a Broad Nonpartisan Allaiance vs Bush and the Far Right. By Carl Davidson & Marilyn Katz. Summarizes the left intervention in the election and charts a path for the near future.
In Defense of Leninism: A 1981 Polemic within the 'New Communist movement' by a labor activist of that period emphasisizing the importance of combining open and closed forms of organization and methods of work.
Successor-System Theory as an Orienting Device: Trying to Understand China: A Presentation to the Radical Philosophy Association, by David Schweikart, Brown University, November 9, 2002
Ten Theses on Marxism and the Transition to Socialism. By
David Schweickart at the Symposium 'Modernization, Globalization and China's Path in Economic Development,'
Hangzhou, China, July 5-7, 2002 (RTF Format - 144K)
Terrorism, the 2004 Election and Regime Change at Home. An Analysis and Outline of Tactics for an Independent Left Intervention. By Carl Davidson. (RTF Format - 42K)
All-sided Theory & Impact Study for the Wal-Mart Struggle: Wal-Mart: A Destructive Force for Communities and Companies: A Special Report to the New Chicago School of Community Economic Development (PFD Format-420K)
Building The Bridge to the High Road: Dan Swinney's New Manifesto on th Strategy & Tactics for Popular Democractic Control of Economic and Community Development--all within the Context of Broader Systemic Change(PFD Format-391K)
Socialism and Markets: A Polemic Against Neo-Utopian Anti-Market Mystification in the Strategic Thinking of the Left. By Carl Davidson, first published in Socialism & Democracy, 1999 (RTF Format-391K)
January 2005 Article of the Month: Medea Benjamin on a program for peace during Bush's 2nd term 'endless war.' Fist published on RTF Format 15K
Feb-Mar 2005 Article of the Month: Don Hazen on Right Wing Money and its Connections with Think Tanks and Foundations, from RTF Format 15K
April 2005 Article of the Month: Christian Parenti on Hugo Chavez and Petro Populism in Venezuela, from The Nation RTF Format 15K
July 2005 Article of the Month: Jerry Harris on the emerging counter-hegemonic bloc in the Global South
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