of Global Hegemony and the Technology of War (page
2 of 2)
by Jerry Harris
Missiles and Space
A new generation
of missiles is an essential element for the offensive capabilities
of preemptive war. This is the reason that Bush declared the ABM
Treaty with Russia null and void. It prevented the development of
missiles and spaced based technologies that will be used in military
theaters throughout the world. As argued by Rumsfeld and his cohorts
conventional warfare needs to be replaced by a “new paradigm,
marked by long-range precision strikes and the proliferation of
missile technologies…. that will be the central element in
the exercise of American power and the projection of U.S. military
forces abroad.” (17)
This system
would include continuous targeting information, reconnaissance from
a “global constellation of satellites” and spaced-based
interceptors of high-energy lasers. Here hegemonists make clear
their differences with the Clinton globalists. “It is misleading
to think of such a system as a ‘national’ missile defense
system, for it would be a vital element in theater defense, protecting
U.S. allies or expeditionary forces abroad…the Clinton Administration’s
differentiation between theater and national missile defense systems
is yet another legacy of the ABM Treaty, one that does not fit the
current strategic circumstances…Building an effective, robust,
layered, global system of missile defenses is a prerequisite for
maintaining American preeminence.” (18)
The strategic
drive to militarize space is best seen in the call to create a new
service under the Department of Defense responsible for space warfare
doctrines, organization, and training. This would replace the current
U.S. Space Command with U.S. Space Forces. Its purpose would be
to control the “new international commons” as “key
to world power in the future…(with) the ability to deny others
the use of space an essential element of military strategy. (19)
But space commons are currently open to competitive commercial operations
from over 1,000 companies from some 50 countries. This presents
a challenge to Pentagon RMA planners who argue that commercial and
security interests are interconnected because communications, imaging
satellites and global positioning systems are used for military
purposes. According to hegemonists “the distinction between
military and commercial space systems – combatants and noncombatants
– will become blurred.” (20) Therefore dominating commercial
technologies becomes necessary to ensure military preeminence.
Because satellites
are essential military assets the government’s commitment
to space supremacy has helped consolidate control of the industry
under the four big weapons manufacturers, Boeing, Lockheed Martin,
Northrop-Grumman/TRW and Raytheon, and given them a boost past international
competition. In fact, Peter Teets, former Lockheed CEO, is now chief
procurement officer for the Air Force in charge of military space
with a budget of $65 billion. The Pentagon has also revived failing
space programs such as Motorola’s Iridium Satellite LLC, a
phone and navigation system in bankruptcy that has received a new
$252 million contract. As noted by Loring Wirbel, “The overwhelming
role played by large U.S. corporations in building space systems
that only the U.S. government is permitted to use represents the
backbone of U.S. unilateralism in space.” (21)
One of the most
dangerous high tech space weapons under development is the High-frequency
Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) housed under the Strategic
Defense Initiative popularly known as the “Star Wars”
system. This is a weapon of mass destruction capable of causing
floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes through the use of
Extremely Low Frequency radar waves. The program is run jointly
by the Air Force and Navy and based in Gokoma, Alaska. A study by
the U.S. Air Force called for “U.S. aerospace forces to ‘own
the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and
focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications
(such as) disrupting enemy operations via small-scale tailoring
of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications
and counterspace control…In the United States, weather-modification
will likely become a part of national security policy.” (22)
Sci-Fi Warriors and Weapons
HAARP isn’t
the only science fiction like weapon under development. The Army’s
“Land Warrior” program may remind one of Robocop. Driving
this vision is the use of Special Forces capable of greater independence
and long range operations. These forces have been qualitatively
expanded and played a key role in the invasion of Iraq. Eventually
these “soldiers may operate in encapsulated, climate-controlled,
powered fighting suits, laced with sensors, and boasting chameleon-like
‘active’ camouflage. ‘Skin-patch’ pharmaceuticals
help regulate fears, focus concentration and enhance endurance and
strength. A display mounted on a soldier’s helmet permits
a comprehensive view of the battlefield – in effect to look
around corners and over hills – and allows the soldier to
access the entire combat information and intelligence system while
filtering incoming data. Individual weapons are more lethal, and
a soldier’s ability to call for highly precise and reliable
indirect fires…allows each individual to have great influence
over huge spaces. Under the ‘Land Warrior’ program,
some Army experts envision a squad of seven soldiers able to dominate
an area the size of the Gettysburg battlefield – where, in
1863, 65,000 men fought.” (23) Although these futuristic soldiers
aren’t roaming the Iraq desert some of these technologies
already exist and aspects of this program are at work.
Another part
of this futuristic vision is “advanced forms of biological
warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes (that)
may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically
useful tool.” (24) The idea of using biotechnology as a weapon
of racial genocide and political assassination is astounding in
its amoral arrogance. Certainly the entire world would view this
as a weapon of terror rather than a “politically useful tool.”
Such statements expose how far removed hegemonists are from the
international community, having lost all moral guidance in their
dreams of power.
The Iraq War
Every new military
technology and doctrine needs a war. The interwoven dreams of world
dominance and precision RMA warfare came together in the drive to
invade Iraq. Technological fascination with military weapons was
seen in the first Gulf War in 1991when millions of Americans sat
on their couches watching video footage of precision bombs speeding
to their targets. CNN even sold tapes of Desert Storm highlights
featuring bombing strikes as if they were the latest game entertainment.
But only 10% of the bombs used in Gulf War were precision guided,
while in Gulf War II this number rose to about 90%. The exciting
promise of a bigger and better war featuring new and revolutionary
military products was pushed to convince Americans that precision
warfare doesn’t kill civilians. Newsweek’s special feature
“The War Plan” titled its lead article “Boots,
BYTES and Bombs.” Colorful pictures and glowing reports of
new killing weapons promised readers that this would be the “first
war of the Information Age,” while Major General Robert Scales
asserted that Desert Storm was “the last of the machine-age
wars.” (25)
Iraq was to
be a showcase for these new IT military theories. In his opposition
to Powell’s “overwhelming force” doctrine Rumsfeld
reduced the number of troops for the planned invasion on at least
six occasions. (26) In turn, RMA critics charged the difficulties
faced by soldiers in the first weeks of action were a result of
too few troops. Instead of Iraqi’s being “shocked and
awed” it was the Rumsfeld team who were surprised and roundly
criticized in a blizzard of leaks from the Pentagon. By the third
week of the invasion Rumsfeld’s techno-war was getting better
results, but the mixed success of the operation left the door open
for further internal Pentagon struggles. Even as fighting tapered
off the looting in major cities was blamed on the lack of sufficient
U.S. troops to insure public safety.
The Bush administration
insisted the overthrow of Saddam Hussein was necessary for world
security and democracy in the Middle East. With no trace of Orwellian
irony the Pentagon dubbed the invasion “Iraq Freedom.”
But we can again turn to the Project for the New American Century
to reveal the true purpose of U.S. strategy. As stated; “the
United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role
in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq
provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial
American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the
regime of Saddam Hussein.” In fact, the need for bases throughout
the region “would endure even should Saddam pass from the
scene…and even should U.S.-Iranian relations improve…
because of longstanding American interests in the region. (27)
In fact, both
the U.S. and U.K. have “longstanding interests” in the
Middle East. All the talk of bringing democracy to the region seems
taken from Rudyard Kipling’s “white mans burden”
and the colonial project to “civilize” the Third World.
U.S./U.K relations not only rest on a common racist cultural history
but are embedded in a mutual imperialist model. Thatcher and Reagan
pioneered current neo-liberal economics and New York and London
are the world’s largest centers for speculative finance. The
U.K. and U.S. are also home to the largest private transnational
oil corporations. This alliance is best exemplified by the BP/Amaco
merger and such giants as ExxonMobil, Anglo-Dutch Shell and Chevron-Texaco.
But among OPEC members and Middle East countries oil resources and
production are owned and run by the state. When Washington speaks
about democracy it means the free market, neo-liberalism and privatization
of the region’s oil. As oil-industry consultant Rob Sobhani
has said, “The beginning of liberal democracy (in the Gulf)
can be achieved if you take the means of production out of the hands
of the state.” (28)
Such concerns
are one reason Fadhil Chalabi, an ex-royalist banker, is the Pentagon’s
favorite Iraqi political operative. Chalabi advocates an independent
oil corporation that will sell 40% of its shares on the international
market. Under his plan the Iraqi government would simply regulate
and tax the industry. But the invasion goes beyond oil contracts
and Western equity ownership. In fact, many oil executives expressed
doubts about going to war while at the same time trying to position
themselves for future deals. For the industry fear of political
chaos competed with their hunger for profits and access.
But hegemonists
have greater strategic goals. Military occupation and political
domination means unrivaled geopolitical power over other competitors
who need oil resources. In the short run the U.S. can demand more
political obedience from Russia and the E.U. reconfiguring globalization
under unilaterial U.S. leadership, with their longer view focused
on China’s rapid industrialization and growing energy needs.
According to one CIA study, by 2015 three-quarters of the region’s
oil will go to Asia, the greatest part to China. Neo-conservative
theorist Robert Kagan links U.S. strategy, RMA and China all together
writing, “concern about China was one of the driving forces
behind the demand for technological modernization of the American
military; it was, quietly, one of the motives behind the push for
a new missile defense program; and in a broad sense it had already
become an organizing principle of American strategic planning.”
But globalist’s
strategic planning defines China as the largest 21st century market,
not a strategic threat. In fact, alarms are going off about U.S.
political and military unilaterialism disrupting the transnational
economic system. Writing for Business Week, Jeffrey Garten, dean
of the Yale School of Management, worries that tensions over U.S.
arrogance will affect international trade, finance and growth. As
he points out, “The global framework of trade and finance
has relied on shared perceptions that the world economy should be
organized according to a U.S.-style capitalism and led by Uncle
Sam. This view can no longer be taken for granted against the backdrop
of such widespread international resentment of U.S. foreign policy…
Multilateral economic diplomacy has never been more important. (30)
Another editorial warns that a “unilateral policy is economic
suicide” and may result in trade and financial boycotts. As
Business Week points out, “The currency markets, always a
volatile arena, could punish the dollar if political rifts that
threaten trade and capital flows aren’t mended quickly.”
(31) Indeed, if the political disagreements between globalists and
hegemonists develop into economic retaliation the whole international
system will be in upheaval.
The drive for
an imperialist empire has strong appeal to important sections of
the U.S. capitalist class and poises a serious challenge to the
globalist bourgeoisie. Kagan proudly defends the imperial quest
stating, “The ambition to play a grand role on the world stage
is deeply rooted in the American character…For those early
generations of Americans, the promise of national greatness was
not merely a comforting hope but an integral part of the national
identity, inextricably entwined with the national ideology. The
United States must become a great power, and perhaps the greatest
power, they and many subsequent generations of Americans believed,
because the principles and ideals upon which it was founded were
unquestionably superior...” (32)
These “unquestionably
superior principles” are now being exported through the barrel
of a gun. A gun reengineered by RMA. Although much faith has been
invested in achieving military hegemony through technological superiority
such faith has proven misplaced before. The same U.S. arrogance
was present in Viet-Nam, a country seen as backward, poor and weak.
Often the brilliance of technological engineering blinds would-be
world rulers to the more fundamental force of politics. Imperialism
inevitably engenders opposition. Its clear that Washington has been
surprised by the widespread opposition to war, not only from the
world’s people, but from their friends and allies.
History also
shows that technological advances are hard to maintain. Developed
states tend to rapidly emulate and adopt military innovations while
weaker nations focus on defensive measures to counter advanced technologies.
In modern times the diffusion of revolutionary military doctrine
and technology occurs rapidly. The German advantage in W.W. II of
using lighting mobile warfare lasted only two years and the spread
of nuclear weapons undercut the American monopoly in a mere four.
Today the technological diffusion of IT weapons is beginning to
take place, as with Boeing’s Joint Direct Attack Munition
bomb. This is simply a general-purpose bomb with a Global Positioning
Satellite receiver strapped to it fins for guidance. At $25,000
each it’s considered inexpensive. As John Pike director of
GlobalSecurity.org, points out “I think any country with a
self-respecting military in fairly short order is going to get in
line to buy the genuine American article or is going to have to
build their own copy.” (33)
Buying the “genuine
American article” is a problem for Washington because foreign
military sales are important for corporate profits and war is the
best showcase for new weapons. After Desert Storm foreign sales
doubled to $20 billion. Although network centric warfare is based
on a monopoly over certain information technologies, globalization
is spreading knowledge-intensive tools across national borders.
While the U.S. guards its monopoly over key systems many commercial
technologies can easily be converted for military use, and for some
corporations the profits are just too big to turn away from. Evidence
of this is already present as Frank Lanza, CEO of L-3 Communicatons
Holdings Inc. notes, “The commercial world has permitted access
by rogue nations to some very high technology. It’s made the
enemy smarter.” (34) Its well known that much of Iraq’s
chemical and biological weapons were supplied by the U.S. and Europe.
As studies have
pointed out, unlike massive and expensive industrial technologies
it is much easier and quicker to assemble very advanced software
with a small team of experts. (35) A number of third world countries
already have significant computer based technology including China,
India and South Korea. Even relatively poor countries may develop
defensive measures that concentrate on producing disruptive computer
viruses with a small band of hackers. Military technologies may
also be sold to third world countries by advanced powers to counter
U.S. unilaterialism. And non-state terrorists using networked organizational
methods combined with low-tech weapons have already proven all too
all the above factors the U.S. lead may be relatively short. Unilaterialism
will only drive other powers to rapidly develop countermeasures
creating an insecure world difficult to control. The Iraq War showed
that high-tech network centric warfare has its low-tech network
warfare counter. The most successful Iraqi defense was guerrilla
attacks based on a network of independent nodes acting with speed
and flexibility. With greater popular support (as in Viet-Nam) the
guerrilla operates in an information rich environment with hundreds
of interconnected routes almost impossible to totally disrupt. Many
information theorists believe simple systems tend to win out against
more complex systems that are subject to a greater number of glitches
and problems. Perhaps the experience of 20th century “people’s
war” can be remodeled to counter 21st century technology.
If so, the dream of world dominance will ultimately reveal itself
as a virtual fantasy, seemingly real only to fade when the machine
is unplugged.
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