Road Ahead After 2004: Building a Broad Nonpartisan Alliance Against
Bush and the Far Right
By Carl Davidson
& Marilyn Katz
We have been
through a hell of a battle with the Bush regime in 2004. Each and
every one of us engaged in this unprecedented electoral insurgency
did all that we could to defeat him. But, by hook and by crook,
George Bush narrowly pulled through. We didn't win it, but losing
by slightly less than three points is still no mandate for the Bush
agenda, however they try to spin it.
We have nothing
to be ashamed about. We gave Bush and the hard right a good fight,
discovered some of our weaknesses, but also gained important strengths
for the struggles of the future.
This is not
to say that the Kerry Campaign, the Democratic Leadership Council
(DLC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) shouldn’t
be called to account. Relying on a formula that has lost elections
over and over again for the last quarter century (It is now 0 for
8! They didn't even really win Clinton’s race; he won the
first time out because Ross Perot was in the race.), the Candidate
and the Party lacked compelling vision, discernable message and
significant organization. The Republicans, on the other hand, skillfully
combined an organizational apparatus built on fundamentalist churches
with a message that brought out their core voters in larger numbers
than expected.
Green activist
Medea Benjamin put it well in an interview in the current issue
of Progressive Magazine:
lost because he never provided a clear message or an inspiring
vision about the direction this country should take. And we have
to admit that Bush's fear mongering and gay-bashing worked. Bush
kept on message, while Kerry didn't. On Iraq, Kerry had a terribly
mixed message. It was very confusing to people to understand where
he stood on that issue.”
Or as we have
often said: It’s hard to be a pole of attraction if you don’t
stand for something. Over the next months there is sure to be great
debate within the, DNC and DLC about ‘notes for the next time’,
but there is an equally important discussion for those of us who
came to the elections from a peace and justice perspective –
a discussion of plans for our future.
Protest to Politics – A Look at What Has Been Gained
Very early on,
when Chicagoans Against War and Injustice (CAWI) first started our
electoral work, we knew the country was sharply and narrowly divided.
We told our people, "Look, we may or may not win this election.
Obviously we believe that unseating Bush is critical for the well-being
of the world, but winning that prize is not the only important thing.
If we do it right, whatever the outcome, we will gain new skills,
new strengths and new organization.” And it appears we were
The 2004 election,
from a national perspective, was remarkable for the new and creative
forms of self organization that emerged throughout the country.
While some of the unprecedented organization was directed by old
elites, and while most was poorly utilized by the Kerry Campaign,
there was an extraordinary flowering of mass participation and organizing,
much of it generated independently, with few resources but great
imagination. For example:
“Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.”
This was the rallying crying of the Howard Dean campaign, which
energized a large number of new campaign workers motivated mainly
by opposition to the war in Iraq and the need for national health
care. Based mainly among young people and the service worker unions,
the “Deaniacs” served as an opposing pole to the center-to-right
DLC within the Democratic Party. After losing the primary and then
backing Kerry, Dean is now working to regroup these forces into
a new formation, Democracy for America. Added to the fact that a
majority of the delegates to the Democratic Convention were antiwar,
this sets up an explosive conflict within the Democratic Party which,
if properly developed, could provide an important ally to the overall
peace movement. More