Roots & Twigs:
Bringing It All
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Beaver County
Meet Oscar, first grandchild,
with Mom Amy, who works at The New Yorker
I grew up in the heights above the Ohio River, just north
of Pittsburgh, in Beaver County. In 1960 it was the most blue-collar county in the US. Today the mills are all gone
and the towns devastated. Beaver County shares borders
with West Virginia and Ohio.

My ancestors were among the very first Europeans to settle
there in the late 1700s, when it was the far western frontier. There are still a few old log cabins in small towns nestled
in the beautiful rolling hills.
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Daughter Laurie,
now an SEIU
union organizer
The Old Homestead
The Folks back home
The Home Town
The Ancestors
Annual family reunion site at Morraine State Park at the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains
A brand new Oscar, with Mom, Amy
Daughter Laurie visting with her Grandpa and his buddies hanging out at the new Five Points McDonalds
Oscar at 5, taking after his high-tech Mom and Grandpa.
My Mom, now in her 80s, the oldest matriarch of our Smith-Galbraith family reunion. You can find her at bingo and the bowling alley, where she's still very good at both.
Grandpa Carl, with little Oscar